Notizie - Viennafil

Lotto 2790 90,00 EUR
Germania Repubblica Federale

90,00 EUR


90,00 EUR

Offri ora
Berlin, DDR, Bundesrepublik Deutschland 1981/1999, 16 Jahrbücher, darunter "Die Sonderpostwertzeichen der Deutschen Bundespost", "Die Postwertzeichen der Bundesrepublik Deutschland" und ""Die Postwertzeichen im Bereich der ehemaligen DDR"

Automatically generated translation:
Berlin, German Demokratic Republik (East Germany), Federal Republic Germany 1981 / 1999, 16 yearbooks, beneath "the special postage stamp of the German Federal Postal Administration", "the postal stamps of the Federal Republic of Germany Germany" and "the postal stamps in the region of the former German Demokratic Republik (East Germany)"
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