Aktuelle News - Viennafil

Lot 2557 50.00 EUR

Collections and Lots Europe

50.00 EUR


50.00 EUR

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Aland 87/97, Grönland 91/08, GB, 80/19, Finnland 73/99, Liechtenstein 71/18, Deutschland und vieles mehr, Briefe, FDC, Ganzsachen in 36 Briefalben, nur für Selbstabholer

Automatically generated translation:
Aland 87 / 97, Greenland 91 / 08, GB, 80 / 19, Finland 73 / 99, Liechtenstein 71 / 18, Germany and many more, covers, First Day Cover, postal stationery in 36 letter albums, only for self-collectors
Viennafil 90th Live Auction

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